HR Award

hr_awardThe Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS (CAO) has been a holder of the European Commission HR Excellence in Research Award since June 2023.

The European Commission recognises research institutions with the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award (the HR Award for short) for providing excellent care of their personnel in research environments. The purpose of this initiative is to implement a strategic approach in human resources management in science and research based on modern principles. Institutions that wish to gain the HR Award must subscribe to the principles set forth in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which is a set of general principles and requirements that specify the rights and responsibilities of researchers and their employers.

The HR Award identifies the CAO as a workplace that excels in its work with human resources and serves as a guarantee to that institution’s current and future employees that its recruitment process is carried out in a transparent manner, that its working conditions adhere to European standards, and that it pays attention to employees’ career development and work-life balance. Receiving the HR Award is not only a mark of a standard, but also of the institution’s long-term commitment to further developing and establishing favourable conditions for its staff.

For additional details, please see the document “The Centre of Administration and Operations – the CAS institutes’ first port of call” which outlines how and why the CAO applied for the HR Award for Excellence in Human Resources. In the “Activity Report”, you will find the progress made so far in implementing each of the objectives and measures. A simple overview of all twenty-one actions from the Action Plan and their timeframe can be found in the “Proposed Actions in the Action Plan” document. The internal review can be found in the “GAP Analysis”.

The Centre of Administration and Operations – the CAS institutes’ first port of call
Activity Report
GAP Analysis
Action Plan
Proposed Actions in the Action Plan

In order to strengthen all these processes and ensure equal access not only in the selection process, the Gender Equality Plan has been adopted.

Contact for HR Award

We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Mgr. Andrea Augustinová

+420 221 403 850

Vodičkova 40, 110 00 Praha 1